Cycle 1 of Wellness2Go is underway. The program which promotes living healthy through constant motivation for individuals and businesses in Atlanta is soon to be available all over the city. Currently, Wellness2Go is run with partnership through City Hall’s department of recreation.
Each of the sponsors for cycle 1 all met requirements of alternatives to the everyday fast food options. West Egg Café, Belly General Store, Return2Eden, Stone Soup Kitchen, Café at Pharr all share the concern to provide amazing foods while still maintaining healthy options.
Cycle 2 is set to kick-off December 15, 2008. By involving the whole city, the program looks to drastically improve the awareness of behavioral traits which lead people to obesity. In addition to providing people of Atlanta with motivation to eat healthy and businesses with incentives, 15% of all proceeds are going to be donated to charities within the city.
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